Yub Nub!

Ok, I'm going to start this by saying the prequels do not exist. They never happened. The mystery of what happens before A New Hope will stay that way. You hear me, Lucas? Alright, now that's out of the way I can get to the point of my post. I would much rather have seen sequels to the original trilogy, and very recently, I have. I just picked up the entire Thrawn Trilogy from Dark Horse Comics and I feel like that little kid from the 80's again. Slowly, the stains of the prequels have washed away as I immerse myself in these new tales of Star Wars lore. And they weren't tainted by CGI sets and aliens just for the sake of CGI sets and aliens(Give me a matte painting and a giant puppet any day). This feels real to me. This is where Luke, Leia, and Han have been all these years. I know I'm late to the party, but damn, I'm glad to finally be there.

Ok, what else am I reading? I picked up World War Z. This is a very fun read. I love the fact that it's interviews. Personal accounts of this zombie plague from around the globe that feel real. I'm not big into zombies but I figured I'd finally buy it since I caught myself staring at it and flipping through it every time I walked into the book store.

I also picked up Superman: For All Seasons, based purely on the fact that I can stare at Tim Sale's art until my eyeballs dry out. That man makes some mighty pretty pictures, don't he?
While we are on the subject of art, I came across some really cool prints. I've been on an Art Deco kick for the last few months. I've bought a mess load of prints, but these I have to get....

The guy's name is Justin Van Genderen. Give his name a click and you can see all of his awesome work. Great stuff.

Finally, April 9th and 10th is the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art's huge comic festival. It's over at the old Lexington Avenue Armory. If you live in the New York area, check it out. You'll find some great independent creators. I'll be there supporting them and this awesome museum.

Alright, that's all I've got. I'm off to see Source Code. Looks pretty good. Take it easy.


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